If you DON'T have a Just Giving account
To join our fundraising page, just follow these steps:
1. Click on this link:
and click ‘Sign up’ in the top righthand corner. You’ll be prompted to set up an account here where you need to enter your information
2. Click on the ‘Start Fundraising’ orange button
3. What are you raising money for?
Select ‘A charity’
4. Search for the cause you want to support
(Hammertime for Hammersley Homes)
and click select
5. Navigate down to ‘Doing your own thing’
Select ‘Doing your own thing’
6. Give details about the event in which you are taking part
Select a ‘personal run/marathon’ OR a ‘personal walk’ OR a ‘personal cycle’
Preferably insert 01/08/2020. Not a problem if you can’t make this exact date. Simply insert the closest date that you are able to complete your challenge
This is just an example. You can decide what web address you would like
7. Check these boxes and click ‘Create your page’
HOORAY YOU’RE ALL SET UP AND ALL THAT IS NEEDED IS TRAINING FOR THE BIG DAY (plus a bit of spreading the word on social media would be hugely appreciated!!)
Once you have set up your page you have the option to personalise your campaign, add your training and progress as well as setting your target for distance you aim to go and the amount you want to raise (suggestion £100-£500).
Please share, share, share whether on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using the following hashtags to help us to get out the message and raise awareness:
#hammersleyhomes #hammersleyhammers #hammertime #charityrun #charitywalk #charitycycle #charityevent #charity #fundraising #donate #instagood #kindnessmatters #mentalhealthawareness #enduringmentalillness #schizophrenia #bipolar #ocd #depression #supportedhousing #safety #security #comfort #friendship #mentalhealthmatters #mentalillness #kindness #homeforlife #breakthestigma @hammersleyhomes @justgiving #justgiving