Putting Pen To Paper
by Brian Woods
There are a number of tools that we can use to maintain and improve our mental health. Among these is keeping a diary or journal.
Studies have shown that recording our personal thoughts, emotions, and insights can help to reduce anxiety and stress. We become more aware of our thoughts and emotions when we commit them to paper. We can also process them more efficiently. There is a tendency to be more open about them, too. After all, our journal entries are for our eyes only.
It is valuable to consult our journal when we are experiencing mental health challenges, such as anxiety or depression. We can then see how we have dealt with these issues in the past. It is also a reminder that these feelings do pass eventually.
Keeping a journal can also give us a better sense of perspective about our thoughts and emotions. Writing about anger, frustration, and worry is also a valuable outlet for these negative emotions.
However, it is also important to record the things that we are grateful for in life. A walk we have enjoyed or a day out with a friend for example, or a spectacular sunset we have seen. Such things as these are essential to our mental well-being.
When keeping a journal, it is important to write in it regularly. This will ensure that our writing does not fall by the wayside. There is also a sense of self-discipline and achievement as the pages of a journal gradually fill up.
There may be days when you are unable or unwilling to write anything. That’s okay, too – perhaps journaling regularly rather than every day will be easier at first anyway. I would also suggest using a small, A5 size notebook. It seems less intimidating than a larger pad!
Do not worry if you think your spelling, grammar, or punctuation are not up to scratch. Remember that it is your journal and only you will be reading it.
You may prefer to record your journal on a phone, tablet, or computer. Just use whichever method is best for you. Nor do you need to be restricted to just words. Photographs of treasured memories could also be included in your journal. So too could drawings or sketches if you are artistically inclined.
Writing can be very therapeutic for our mental well-being. Contributing a regular blog for Hammersley Homes has certainly helped me.