
Libby’s Story

by Michaela Fortunato

Libby has been working for a year at Hammersley Homes, volunteering on their Outreach Programme, providing support to people who struggle with mental ill- health.   She had started the process of completing her DBS Checks, First Aid and Safeguarding training in the beginning of last summer, and started volunteering during the early weeks of August 2023. 

It was Libby’s tutor at University who had encouraged her to do some volunteering alongside her course.   Her tutor was completing his second year of Psychology, while Libby was entering into her first year of Psychology at University.   He spoke to her about his time volunteering at Hammersley Homes and highly recommended it.

“If you want to do a degree to help people, it makes sense if you would want to do volunteering as well.”  He suggested.

Libby has gained so much from her experience as a volunteer at Hammersley Homes, which she hadn’t expected.   Each experience is extremely different, especially with the main client she sees, Elsie.   Libby visits Elsie every other Thursday.   It is on this special day that Libby leans her fingers against the crevices of the charcoal oak and presses the doorbell.   Its cheerful chime flutters through the hallway and into the living room where Elsie sits, anticipating her visit.   The door creaks slowly open.   A familiar smile welcomes Libby like a shawl wrapping around her arms as she is led into the entrance.   There are days when Elsie is more distant and less talkative, but today is a good day.

“How was your time with your grandparents?” Elsie asks as she grabs her coat.   Her silver wisps tumble over her shoulders like waves.

The door is opened once more as Libby follows Elsie along the road outside.   Elsie’s scarlet coat shimmers in the sunlight as the rays dance lightly on its smooth surface.   Libby offers her arm for Elsie to lean on as her feet shuffle along the pavement.

They soon turn a corner to the blue ‘Co-op’ brand etched onto the grey store erected in front of them.   Libby and Elsie wander down the aisles in search of milk, eggs and a white loaf of bread.   Elsie pushes the trolley as they make their way towards the queue.   A heavy sigh escapes from the lady behind them as Elsie slowly hauls each of her items onto the conveyor belt.   Libby’s dark eyes flash at the lady behind them.   How dare she judge when she doesn’t know.   Taking a deep breath, Libby turns to her and smiles.   But then, I don’t know her either.   If she doesn’t give Elsie the opportunity to place her products on the conveyor belt, she will never be able to do anything for herself, just because she is not going at the pace others expect her to.   Everyone aims to do the things they need to at the pace they are capable of doing it.   The lady behind them doesn’t say anything.   Her eyes narrow towards Libby as they slowly make their way to the exit.

Libby gives a sigh of relief as the trolley wheels screech against the limestone floor and they retreat through the sliding doors.   Once the trolley has been parked beside the shop, Libby and Elsie step towards Belinda’s Bakery down the street.   They take their seats on the chairs nestled comfortably by the window.   Elsie orders her usual – a Cappuccino and a sizzling sausage roll, while Libby asks for her Latte.   Whiffs of roasted coffee flutter through their noses as they share in their laughter, and stories together, each grateful for the companionship of the other.   Libby watches as Elsie’s wrinkled fingers curl elegantly around her mug.   Elsie wouldn’t have any of this if it wasn’t for her.   It is for this reason that Libby spends time with her, that Hammersley Homes provides her with the support, which she so desperately needs.   It’s about being there for the vulnerable clients, for they rely on the volunteers, which emphasises the importance of the role as a volunteer.

People usually donate money to help charities, which they need to support their clients, but it is such a different experience for volunteers to give up their time to assist the charities instead.   That way, the volunteers feel more involved in the charity and they get the chance to help people individually.   May it be two hours a week or every other week, it is a way for people to use their time productively.   It may be a small part of the volunteers’ lives, but it plays such a significant role in the lives of their clients.   This also brings purpose to Libby’s life and to the lives of the other volunteers at Hammersley Homes.   For it is easy for one to get caught up in one’s own life, which causes them to lose touch with the world around them.   Therefore, giving up one’s time to support someone else and make a difference in their lives, brings one back down to earth.   It helps them realise that this is what it’s all about – helping others while not being so involved in your own life, and thinking about those around you.

Libby takes a sip of her Latte, allowing the foam to melt on her tongue.   Both the clients and volunteers help each other.   Libby assists Elsie to shop for her groceries, which she is unable to do on her own, due to her limp.   In return, Elsie gives Libby companionship and someone to talk to, who she wouldn’t usually talk to, without Hammersley Homes – their worlds would never collide any other way, except through Hammersley Homes.   Elsie is also helping Libby become more open and patient both towards her and towards others around her.

For instance, when Libby and Elsie go out, it is slow-paced and sometimes they have to take breaks, always going at Elsie’s tempo.   Though, at times, when Libby goes shopping by herself, she is in a rush, while the customer in front of her is moving at a slower stride.   It is easy to judge the person ahead.   But Libby’s volunteering has given her the perspective that “everyone is just trying to do their best.  No-one is trying to deliberately annoy you or deliberately keep you back.”   Therefore, volunteering at Hammersley Homes has given Libby that perspective to extend empathy and understanding, which she imparts to Elsie, to everyone else in the “general world”.

Once they have paid for their lunch, Elsie and Libby step outside.   The gentle breeze rustles their hair as they trudge up the pavement towards Elsie’s house.   Libby leads Elsie into the living room and helps her snuggle into her armchair.   As Libby wraps the woollen blanket over Elsie’s knees, Libby catches a glimpse of her sweet dimples, revealing the smile peeling across her dainty face.   This is why I do this, Libby thinks to herself as she exits the front door.   Hammersley Homes has thawed away Elsie’s loneliness and isolation like a ray of sunlight melting the icicles from a rose’s petals.   It’s also about building that rapport with their clients and having a routine with it.   For example, Libby knows Elsie is going to order her Cappuccino and sausage roll every time they go to the cafe.   Libby finds it really cute to know someone like that and have that precious time together.

It hasn’t always been this easy.   When Libby first met Elsie, she was waiting at the front door with Chloe, who was currently visiting Elsie.   Butterflies flittered within Libby’s stomach; their wings brushing gently against her skin.   The hinges groaned as the door was pushed slowly open.   Elsie’s dusky eyes drooped to the floor as she led Chloe and Libby into her living room.   A wooden coffee table cradled a half-finished cup of tea and a small plate of Rich-Tea biscuits.   Standing to the left of the table was an armchair, draped with woollen wraps, while the beige sofa was perched to the right of the table.   Nestling beside the couch was a small, oaken bookcase whose shelves were stacked with Regency Novels and Shakespeare’s Sonnets.   A lamp sat proudly on top of the cabinet as its golden light peered through its petaled, ivory shade.

Chloe extended her hand as she introduced Libby to Elsie, before taking Libby on a tour of the house.   Elsie kept her distance as she stood behind her armchair.   Her fingers trembled as her eyes dashed from Chloe to the kitchen counter, refusing to meet Libby’s gentle gaze.   Who was this random girl in her house and why would she bother coming in for a visit?   Chloe’s floral sundress swished with her every step as she revealed the contents of the cupboards inhabiting the kitchen.

As Libby walked through the front door after Chloe, she heaved a sigh of relief, hoping that one day she would be able to connect well with Elsie and show her she was someone who cared, willing to offer her companionship to her.

Elsie and Libby have bonded more ever since.   Sometimes, Elsie will remember details of Libby’s life which she has shared with her.   For instance, if Libby tells her she is going to spend time with her grandparents, the next time Libby visits her, Elsie will ask Libby about it.   In the meantime, Libby does her best to remember as much as she can about Elsie’s life and enquires about the visits she has with the other volunteers at Hammersley Homes.   Libby also asks how she enjoys her time at the monthly luncheons she has with a group of friends.   They meet up in different locations every time they are together.   Elsie had her luncheon with them on the beach the last time they met.   Therefore, Libby and Elsie ensure they are aware of each other’s lives as well as their own.

Elsie is absolutely lovely, therefore, Libby hasn’t had many challenging experiences with her.   However, Libby has had testing moments with other members of the public who are less understanding and don’t know why Libby helps Elsie with her shopping.   It is for this reason Libby tries to take the understanding she has for Elsie and passes it to other people, for “you don’t know people and you don’t know why people are the way they are.”

One of the most rewarding aspects of supporting Elsie at Hammersley Homes, Libby has found, is that she is making a difference in Elsie’s life.   For it is easy for Libby to consider she is only dedicating two hours to supporting Elsie, but Libby’s visit is the main event of Elsie’s week.   This puts into perspective the importance and significance of Libby’s support for her client.

One piece of advice Libby gives to future volunteers is to “get involved and really go into it with an open mind”.   Everyone has preconceptions and opinions based on their past experiences, but everyone you see will be different – their circumstances and what they need or expect from you – will be varied.

“So, go in there with an open mind, and a lot of empathy and understand that you’re not in their shoes.   You cannot put your expectations or what you think, onto them.   Just be there and listen to what they need from you, because we are there to help them.

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