Lifestory Masks for Local Heroes!

Some of the wonderful benefits of a valued partnership … The Lifestory Group has very generously donated 50 of these fabulous stylish masks to us, to help us with fundraising for our Hammersley Homes project – LOCAL HERO on one side, LIFESTORY on the other. Delicious rich aubergine in colour, with black trim and adjustable fittings, and a great size so your glasses don’t steam up!

We are going to give a mask to anyone kind enough to donate anything over £10 to our BIG GIVE campaign, during the first week of December. This is a match funded campaign, so all donations will be doubled – one donation, double the impact! If you would be willing to donate, please go to our BIG GIVE page during the first week of December, and make your donation – a mask will be in the post to you shortly thereafter!

We have a lot in common with Lifestory Group – “Stories of Homes, Created for Living” – we both strive to provide comfortable, safe housing for vulnerable people. Long may our partnership last!

Please make your donation to our BIG GIVE campaign HERE, during the first week of December: 12:00 pm on the 1st to 12:00 pm on the 8th. THANK YOU!!